Anyway, my mom just left town to return to her boring life without grandchildren of the male kind, to Tennessee.. We had fun, so much fun, hence the NO POSTS.. We were so busy we didn't even get to finish all of the things we had planned out, most importantly a good shopping trip to Wal-Mart and Target.. Can you believe it.. I let that pass up.. I chose instead to visit Goodwill and various yardsales..
Now this is huge for me.. I used to HATE MY MOM (sorry mom)for taking me on Saturday morning yard sale ventures.. I am still no early bird.. What with a breastfeeding baby and 2.5 year old.. I am kinda tired.. Only because I have trained these two to sleep until 9AM.. I am spoiled.. Throw eggs at me now.. I know, I know.. My children are gifts from heaven.. (Hoping no jinx are in my near future).. So anyway..We (shall I say my mom) found some great things at the yard sales in Indiana..Oh yeah we went to my aunt's house in Indiana for the last part of her trip - more on that later.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE botanical prints.. Any kind, flower, plants, etc.. So I had told my mom IF you find any kind of picture, framed or not, of botanical prints pick them up for me.. I am still looking for things to hang on my walls.. I am in love with botanicals.. So she shows up with these.. Aren't they beautiful.. and OLD too.. I love them... I wish I had more but these two are a great start to a collection I hope will grow exponetially..They were marked $5 each and she got them both for $5.. Sweet huh????

My husband hates them but I love them so they are going on my walls... Tough doodie...
On to our trip to Indiana.. My mom is originally from a small suburb north of Indianapolis... Her dad moved her to hillbilly country TN when she was in 6th grade.. She hates it, but refuses to leave.. Explain that one to me.. She was the youngest of 10.. Her closest sister in age is 20 years older than her.. Mailman?? I think so? So all of her sisters stayed behind when grandpa moved back to TN, and they are still in Indiana to this day.. 3 sisters all significantly older than my mom.. All packrats and all rediculously funny..
So I scored some major loot from her too... Shown here.

For instance the sister we bunked with has oh maybe 20 chickens in her backyard, 5 of which are crowing roosters..She lives on a major road IN TOWN and her backyard backs up to a NEW subivision (less than 3 years old, planned neighborhood) So I am gonna venture out and say they are not too happy she has chickens in her yard..Here is a link to the video of "THE RUNNING OF THE CHICKENS" starring the one the only little RT..
Anyway we had a good time and I miss her already... Although, I am glad to have my old boring schedule back...