Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Well we survived yet another Christmas.  The boys got more than ever, and I was happier and more content than ever.  My parents made it up and over here around lunchtime Christmas day and Shane's parents were here early the very next day.  We had the pleasure of spending time with both sets of parents for two whole days!!!!!!!!  Thank goodness for a larger house that can hold all of us (plus some if needed)!!  I am so thankful and so very blessed!! 

We missed our daddy terribly this year as we will every year, but I am so happy to know he is in a much better place and with no worries.  Somehow I sleep better at night knowing he doesn't have to worry about everyday silliness anymore.  I am getting better and better at dealing with the holiday's and keeping it as normal as possible for the boys.  I hope that I can do MY job and raise them having the most normal and fulfilling life as I can.  Sure I mess up along the way but who doesn't.  People always say how well adjusted they are and that makes me feel like I am doing the best possible job as a mom!!  Yay for me, go me, go me!!! 

Anyway, with my mom in town we are enjoying ourselves and hitting up the thrift stores EVERY.SINGLE.DAY while the kids nap...  Thanks dad for staying behind!  I just wanted to show my two new most favorite things ever that I thrifted today!

First up:

Um, yeah those are pink boots!!  They are balloon brand boots. I googled it and can't find any information on them, but I lurve them.  I am sure I will get tons of crazy stares but who cares.  As long as I love them!!  And I do.

Second up:

Oh, what's in the case?  Are you sure you want to know?

Oh my, it is a vintage Sterling Smith Corona typewriter!!  And I lurve this even more than the pink boots!! 

Sorry for the crappy photo quality.  Ugh, I am working with what I have here...

Mom also brought up her old sewing machine.  I see a lot of curtain making in my future as I learn how to use the darn thing.  And she brought up a fancy gold mirror for my front room!  I can't wait to get moving on decorating this spot in my home!!  Lots of fun ideas!!  I will be back tomorrow with more pictures of the neat things we have found while thrifting this week!  Yes there is more... See you soon!