"Dinosaurs Unearthed combines life-like sculptures and rare, feathered fossils to create an exhibition that sends you back in time to walk among the dinosaurs in their natural habitats. This is the North American debut tour for many of the exhibition's artificats.
- See the world's first full-size, feather covered dinosaur models
- Examine a replica of an actual dig site in Zigong, China
- Hear the sounds and see the movements of several animatronic dinosaur models
- Take in five life-size skeletons from the Mesozoic Era, including an impressive 62-foot long Omeisaurus"
We had fun reading all of the plaques about the various dinos. Playing in the "dig" area and becoming real palentologists. Little W actually found some "real" bones in the "dirt." He was super excited!! Most of the dinos were on motion sensors so as you walked by them they came to life. The boys were quick to spot the motion sensors and had fun trying to scare the other people as they rounded the corners. And there were a few dinos that had actual "controls" that the boys could press a body part specific button and the dinos would respond with that body part. The exhibit was fantastic... Of course my boys love dinosaurs more than most... Seeing as we sleep with them, carry small ones in our pockets, dress up like them for Halloween... I think you get the picture. We made dinos to take home at the Dino themed build a bear located in the Science Center. Just so you know Petey and Chompers have taken up permanent residence in the boys beds... All in all it was great we had a blast and for a small fee the boys were enthralled for a few hours..
Check out the website for more information and if you have little guys you have to go and check it out.