Thursday, November 8, 2007

Crazy Week

So this week has been super crazy in all aspects... Instead of talk about each one I feel a list is in order...

1. My car died. Will not run. Living 45 miles from work is not fun with only 1 car for the family.

2. We have mice. Corn fields are cut and mice are finding their way into our house. We have caught 4, 2 have run on me, one on my foot and one on my hand.. He was hiding in my fresh laundry (punk mouse) which in turn means I had to wash 2 loads all over again... So I lie awake at night and all I can think of is I am sure there are like 100 mice dancing around downstairs and partying all night.

3. Baby WT is crawling and has two teeth... I mean are you serious?!?!? He is getting so big. Oh, and he pulled up about 10 minutes ago... I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!

4. My boss at work has come down with some sort of "infection" in his elbow that required a week long stay at the hospital.. He will not say what he has or had but we had a MRSA "informational" meeting this week at work... Sweet right??

5. I have done NOTHING at work all week I feel like... My brain is just not working or something. I have been easily distracted to say the least.

6. Carpooling sucks.. I love the Earth but geezzzzzzzzzz...

7. I have 17 loads of laundry to do... ARGH!

8. Thanks Rebecca and Russel P for the playdough for Halloween.. It is everywhere including WT's new teeth... hehe...

9. My best friend from way back when is ready to have her baby and I can't be there for her... It makes me really mad... I have not seen her for a year and she hasn't even met baby WT yet... I suck as a friend... Stay away from me...

10. Hubby gets a vacation day tomorrow... My first one will be in like a year.. .I hate him. .I mean not really, but I could use a break too.. .

That is it... Have a great Friday... It cannot come quick enough.

PS... I can barely reread this post b.c there are baby fingerprints all over my computer screen.. Does it get any worse...