Today the youngest of my boys turns 3.
I am so excited and so is he... While at the grocery, Hobby Lobby, gas station, preschool, well everywhere we were today he made sure to hold up his 3 little fingers and tell everyone that today was in fact HIS birthday. Today is his day, not RT's, not HMac's but HIS day!! He is just brimming with excitement.
Can you blame him?
Little WT is the sweetest of all my 3 boys. I am not sure if it is because he is my baby or that is just his nature.. He is always first to cuddle, first to tell me he loves me (without being prompted), always tells me I am beautiful at the most appropriate times, polite, caring, and generous with his possesions. He is always good for a tight squeeze and a sloppy kiss... I love his sweet nature and hope he will always be this way. I love his soft curly hair, big dark brown doe eyes and the sweet little pigeon-toed run that he is so famous for... He is silly and funny, his sense of humor so much resembles that of his father and for that I am thankful... And he potty trained himself 3 weeks ago.
I love this little guy!!
Happy Birthday - with all my love!!!!