Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Just had to share....

I have recently started listening to a new band.  They are awesome.  I also recently found out that 1/2 of the new group I was listening to is from my hometown.  We share a lot of the same friends and that made me like them even more.  I like to be able to relate.  I think we all do.  I don't personally know him but I do know that six degrees of separation makes for an interesting take on things, for me anyway.

Before I knew all of this, which really amounts to nothing for anyone except me.  I mean before I knew this - just listening to them gave me chill bumps.

Here is a link to a video from the title track to THE CIVIL WARS new album called: Barton Hollow that will be released on Feb 1, 2011.

And another side note... This video was shot less than 5 miles from my mom and dad's house... So super cool.   Please check them out.  They are amazing singer songwriters... AMAZING!!!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Baby Blanket Complete

So as promised here is the new baby blanket I have *just* finished.  I literally just sewed in all the ends.

(a little stitching while reading my Nook)

I made this for one of my best girlfriends who will be welcoming baby BOY #3 into their family.  We now officially have enough boys between the two of us for a baseball team.  (Right?  I think you need 6?)  Anywho, I hope she likes this.

She very much dislikes all of my thrifty granny-chic decorating, she much prefers things straight out of PB.  Which amazes me because I can find super similar things at the thrift.  Oh well to each his own.  All of the aforementioned dislikes brings me as to why I decided to make this blanket.  I figure that chevron patterns are popping up everywhere.  I personally LOVE a good graphic chevron!!  Plus a good ole granny zig zag really never goes out of style.   I also feel like the addition of the charcoal gray adds an ultra modern, non-baby-ish, feel to the entire blanket.

Without further ado, drumroll please...

I give you baby boy #3 chevron blanket... In all of it's glory!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

On my hook...

Well hello there... I am here and still kicking.  We are snowed in so I thought I would share what has been and is on my crochet hook as of late!!

small sweet hat for a new baby girl....

leg warmers for another friends little girl... 

cute crochet hat for my niece... 

Plus a few other hats I forgot to take pictures of... :)  I was in too much of a hurry to snap them... 


I have one more big thing hanging on the good ole hook right now that I can't wait to share with you!!  It is for one of my best friends and as soon as it is "given" to her and baby Max I will show pictures!!  Until then...