The old man decided last night he had just about enough of me saying how badly I wanted an ice cream sundae that he just loaded us all up in the car and set off on a mission..
You see, since returning from my parents house 2 weeks ago I have wanted an ice cream sundae.. Caramel of course from McD's... I could not stop on the way home because the baby was crying and loosing his mind... We have a 4 month old that HATES the car.. And that is totally an understatement... I mean I think if he had his way he would do away with ALL cars and be a hermit... It is horrible... We cannot go anywhere at all without him SCREAMING in his carseat.. So you can just imagine what a 500 mile trip did to him... I have scarred him for life...
So anyway back to the ice cream.. I didn't stop 2 weeks ago because he had been crying for at least half and hour and even if I had stopped they could not have heard me on the speaker and then if they could have they would have more than likely call DCS on me for child abuse.. I JUST WANTED TO GET HOME AND GET HIM OUT OF THE CAR!!
Daddy took us last night to the closest McD's which is at least a good 30 minute drive.... And they did not have caramel.. I mean what the heck... All McD's have caramel right??? NOPE!!!!! Only fudge... I was soooo disappointed.. Little RT got an ice cream cone that was half as huge as his head... Which is large and in charge.. So after dad and I both had brain freeze trying to hurry up and make it a manageable size for him I ended up reluctantly "dumping" a large amount of ice cream on the ground so he could more easily get to the cone, which is his fav.. And he LOVED it... Me, well I got an ice cream fix but not the kind I wanted.. So I am in search of the McD's with caramel...
And by the way... The baby didn't cry in the car which was more satisfying than the ice cream...
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