Christmas is right around the corner... I have zero presents wrapped and under the tree... My house is a disaster and we have family on their way.... We will be cycling them in and out one after the other for the next week or so... So I will be off from work the entire time but entertaining the entire time so I think work is looking good right now... Just a joke... Just a joke...
I actually can't wait for everyone to get here... We are going to have way too much fun! I miss my mom and dad like crazy.. This is the farthest we have ever lived apart and it really sucks because it is just too far to go for a weekend visit... So I haven't seen them since October, and with a newborn that is just too long.. Baby WT has changed so much since they saw him last... His hair is so long and it is going to get it's first trim... Poor baby... I wanted to wait but it is time... When you dress a boy in ALL blue and people still say what a cute little girl, it is time for a haircut... Well, at least his daddy says so..
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
We are officially idiots...
So dinner is a big deal around here... We usually all sit down and have dinner as a family... This leads to a lot of silly chatter, as you can imagine amongst 2 crazy parents, an 11 year old and a 2 year old, oh and the growling infant... Anyway, tonight a pack of markers was presented to our group while HMac was finishing up an art project and of course we couldn't help ourselves... Well daddy anyway...
Little RT ended up with a "Mom" tattoo on his right arm but wait it didn't stop there... He has a fantastic, very artistic tattoo sprawled across his back... With a little help from his birthmark.... Are you ready... Are you sure???? Well brace yourselves for the creativity of my very intelligent husband...

Yes it was freakin' hilarious.... I mean absolutely hilarious, but mostly because it was the LAST thing I would have ever thought to see written across the skin on my 2 year old's back...
Do you think family dinners of past times would have ended with this result... I doubt so... Seriously.. But we have fun and memories (and photos) to last a lifetime...
Little RT ended up with a "Mom" tattoo on his right arm but wait it didn't stop there... He has a fantastic, very artistic tattoo sprawled across his back... With a little help from his birthmark.... Are you ready... Are you sure???? Well brace yourselves for the creativity of my very intelligent husband...

Yes it was freakin' hilarious.... I mean absolutely hilarious, but mostly because it was the LAST thing I would have ever thought to see written across the skin on my 2 year old's back...
Do you think family dinners of past times would have ended with this result... I doubt so... Seriously.. But we have fun and memories (and photos) to last a lifetime...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
So inventory at work was not too bad.... We were through relativly early as far as inventories go so I was not too upset about going in and getting it done... The only side-effect of getting up at 4AM is that I have been sleeping all day... Hubby not too happy I 'spose but I am sorry ... I am the girl who NEEDS the 8 good hours of sleep every night... So I have been sluggish all day...
Anyway, this is my last week of work this year... Yeah for me.. This is the first place I have ever worked that gives you the entire time of Christmas off paid and even better you do not have to use vacation... It is just free, like a fantastic Christmas present... YUM-O... My parents will be here on Christmas day and I can't wait... They will be here with me all week after Christmas so I am totally excited.. I miss them too much...
The kiddos are good... I just have not done ANY shopping... Wait, I take that back.. I have done SOME shopping just no where near done at all... So, I will be busy next week... Is it just me or is it horrible trying to figure out what to get any man that is over the age of like 8??? HMac and hubby are driving me nuts as far as presents go, so who knows what kind of crap they will end up getting... I am sure it will be nothing they want... hehe...
Anyway, this is my last week of work this year... Yeah for me.. This is the first place I have ever worked that gives you the entire time of Christmas off paid and even better you do not have to use vacation... It is just free, like a fantastic Christmas present... YUM-O... My parents will be here on Christmas day and I can't wait... They will be here with me all week after Christmas so I am totally excited.. I miss them too much...
The kiddos are good... I just have not done ANY shopping... Wait, I take that back.. I have done SOME shopping just no where near done at all... So, I will be busy next week... Is it just me or is it horrible trying to figure out what to get any man that is over the age of like 8??? HMac and hubby are driving me nuts as far as presents go, so who knows what kind of crap they will end up getting... I am sure it will be nothing they want... hehe...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Two things...
1. Inventory at work ALL DAY tomorrow = BAD DAY!!
2. Hubby is STILL at grocery preparing us for the 6-10inches of sleet, freezing rain and snow we are going to get tomorrow and Sunday.
Thank you and good night.
1. Inventory at work ALL DAY tomorrow = BAD DAY!!
2. Hubby is STILL at grocery preparing us for the 6-10inches of sleet, freezing rain and snow we are going to get tomorrow and Sunday.
Thank you and good night.
Friday, December 7, 2007
So.. .tired.... must... sleep...
So the past two weeks have been insanely crazy... It all began last Wednesday night with the faint sound of vomit coming from little RT's room... It all began around 4am... That is the greatest start to a day I can ever think of right? Getting children up, changing them, changing their bed... trying to find clothes and new sheets in a half awake daze... ARGH... Poor little guy.. I just felt so bad for him.. He had never ever vomited in his entire life until last Thursday, not even when he was a baby... Weird I know but true nonetheles.. So, dad stayed home w/him and I ventured on to work.. Only to wake up at 4AM on Friday with the stomach bug myself.. BAH!!! It was bad and I didn't recover until Sunday..All better now, we have gotten over it at the T household..
Now on to the S-N-O-W!!!!!!!!!! Holy cow.. It started snowing on Wednesday making my normal 1 hour and 10 minute commute a whopping 3 hours.. Yes you heard me right.. 3 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got 3 inches of snow on Wednesday early morning and another 2-3 last night.. At least the commute today wasn't so bad, and the workday was a pretty good one too... So getting home at 7PM just sucks anyway... Regardless of what kind of day you had...
Anyway... we are going to get our Christmas tree this weekend, I hope.. I know - I know... we should already have it up, but we just haven't had time... So, once it is up, it will stay there for at least the entire month of Dec. as well as January just for good measure.. And because I am LAZY!!!!!!!!!! hehe...
Now for dinner and off to bed... And I better get to sleep in tomorrow... Because it is Saturday after all...
Now on to the S-N-O-W!!!!!!!!!! Holy cow.. It started snowing on Wednesday making my normal 1 hour and 10 minute commute a whopping 3 hours.. Yes you heard me right.. 3 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got 3 inches of snow on Wednesday early morning and another 2-3 last night.. At least the commute today wasn't so bad, and the workday was a pretty good one too... So getting home at 7PM just sucks anyway... Regardless of what kind of day you had...
Anyway... we are going to get our Christmas tree this weekend, I hope.. I know - I know... we should already have it up, but we just haven't had time... So, once it is up, it will stay there for at least the entire month of Dec. as well as January just for good measure.. And because I am LAZY!!!!!!!!!! hehe...
Now for dinner and off to bed... And I better get to sleep in tomorrow... Because it is Saturday after all...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Still here...
I know I am the absolute worst blogger in the entire world but I am good at lists so here ya go...
Thanksgiving was good. We were in IL for the hubby's fam this year. We had fun. His family is a lot larger, louder, and crazier than mine will ever be. Loud, crazy but fun.
RT actually searched for Santa at the mall, found him, stared at him through the gate, and SAT ON HIS LAP!! I mean are you kidding me... He will barely say hi to our family members much less let anyone hold him... An old boozer Santa I mean are you serious? When Santa asked what he wanted.. all he could muster was a little mumble to say "toys please." Sweet baby!!!
I am in trouble w/hubby because I will not let his mom cut baby WT's hair... I think it is bad luck to cut hair b/4 1st birthday.. I know, I am weird.. but all the same... I carried him for 9 months, birthed him, breastfed him and my last say will be when he can or can not have his hair cut.. Who cares if he looks like a little girl.. He is too cute.. and if I have to put ribbons in his hair, then it looks like I will have to put ribbons in his hair.. He won't remember anyway... Right?!?!?
HMac is now getting breakouts on his nose and forehead - any remedies??? I need some help here.. I use the expensive ProActive.. but I hate to have an 11 year old using something that costs that much but I guess it is his embarrasment or me spending a little extra $$$... I don't know just yet if I will make him suffer through acne like I did... A little payback is in order I think. Plus he is officially now taller than me... Not saying much, I know, I am only 5'2"...
Anyway... If I have the time I will blog more... But my life is just too busy right now... So I hope this will suffice for a while... Unless I get a fire under me... Who knows... Happy late Thanksgiving... :-)
Thanksgiving was good. We were in IL for the hubby's fam this year. We had fun. His family is a lot larger, louder, and crazier than mine will ever be. Loud, crazy but fun.
RT actually searched for Santa at the mall, found him, stared at him through the gate, and SAT ON HIS LAP!! I mean are you kidding me... He will barely say hi to our family members much less let anyone hold him... An old boozer Santa I mean are you serious? When Santa asked what he wanted.. all he could muster was a little mumble to say "toys please." Sweet baby!!!
I am in trouble w/hubby because I will not let his mom cut baby WT's hair... I think it is bad luck to cut hair b/4 1st birthday.. I know, I am weird.. but all the same... I carried him for 9 months, birthed him, breastfed him and my last say will be when he can or can not have his hair cut.. Who cares if he looks like a little girl.. He is too cute.. and if I have to put ribbons in his hair, then it looks like I will have to put ribbons in his hair.. He won't remember anyway... Right?!?!?
HMac is now getting breakouts on his nose and forehead - any remedies??? I need some help here.. I use the expensive ProActive.. but I hate to have an 11 year old using something that costs that much but I guess it is his embarrasment or me spending a little extra $$$... I don't know just yet if I will make him suffer through acne like I did... A little payback is in order I think. Plus he is officially now taller than me... Not saying much, I know, I am only 5'2"...
Anyway... If I have the time I will blog more... But my life is just too busy right now... So I hope this will suffice for a while... Unless I get a fire under me... Who knows... Happy late Thanksgiving... :-)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Yucky hospital
So for those of you who don't already know... Our little baby WT was in the hospital for 2 days... Luckily he is now home, bruised but ok...
He woke up on Saturday with a fever that we were able to manage with over the counter medication all day, he worsened overnight and woke up on Sunday with over 104 temps all day... We saw the doctor who told us his white blood count was in the 20,000's and that was not something they liked to see in babies his age. So we were sent to get tested for a bladder infection, the flu and a chest x-ray to check for pneumonia... All of those tests came back negative so she sent us home.. Only after a few hours he was very limp, sleepy and I could barely wake him so I called the doc again and she told us to meet her at the hospital.. So off we went.. He was admitted and so began the poking and prodding of my sweet baby angel... They were able to locate 1 vein to get an IV in his little hand and were unable to get a blood sample for cultures until 2PM on Monday... so they stuck him in every place they "thought" there may be a vein, until he looked like a little pin cushion.. Poor baby, he is bruised from head to toe... And his IV blew Monday night causing his little hand to swell w/ fluid to 4 times the regular size not to mention his little hand to turn black and blue... So he received antibiotics through his IV and all is better...
The doctors are still unsure what was wrong with him, just some sort of bacterial infection, but I am glad he is home and feeling better... Still a little weak but better... So all of my babies are back under one roof...
He woke up on Saturday with a fever that we were able to manage with over the counter medication all day, he worsened overnight and woke up on Sunday with over 104 temps all day... We saw the doctor who told us his white blood count was in the 20,000's and that was not something they liked to see in babies his age. So we were sent to get tested for a bladder infection, the flu and a chest x-ray to check for pneumonia... All of those tests came back negative so she sent us home.. Only after a few hours he was very limp, sleepy and I could barely wake him so I called the doc again and she told us to meet her at the hospital.. So off we went.. He was admitted and so began the poking and prodding of my sweet baby angel... They were able to locate 1 vein to get an IV in his little hand and were unable to get a blood sample for cultures until 2PM on Monday... so they stuck him in every place they "thought" there may be a vein, until he looked like a little pin cushion.. Poor baby, he is bruised from head to toe... And his IV blew Monday night causing his little hand to swell w/ fluid to 4 times the regular size not to mention his little hand to turn black and blue... So he received antibiotics through his IV and all is better...
The doctors are still unsure what was wrong with him, just some sort of bacterial infection, but I am glad he is home and feeling better... Still a little weak but better... So all of my babies are back under one roof...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Crazy Week
So this week has been super crazy in all aspects... Instead of talk about each one I feel a list is in order...
1. My car died. Will not run. Living 45 miles from work is not fun with only 1 car for the family.
2. We have mice. Corn fields are cut and mice are finding their way into our house. We have caught 4, 2 have run on me, one on my foot and one on my hand.. He was hiding in my fresh laundry (punk mouse) which in turn means I had to wash 2 loads all over again... So I lie awake at night and all I can think of is I am sure there are like 100 mice dancing around downstairs and partying all night.
3. Baby WT is crawling and has two teeth... I mean are you serious?!?!? He is getting so big. Oh, and he pulled up about 10 minutes ago... I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!
4. My boss at work has come down with some sort of "infection" in his elbow that required a week long stay at the hospital.. He will not say what he has or had but we had a MRSA "informational" meeting this week at work... Sweet right??
5. I have done NOTHING at work all week I feel like... My brain is just not working or something. I have been easily distracted to say the least.
6. Carpooling sucks.. I love the Earth but geezzzzzzzzzz...
7. I have 17 loads of laundry to do... ARGH!
8. Thanks Rebecca and Russel P for the playdough for Halloween.. It is everywhere including WT's new teeth... hehe...
9. My best friend from way back when is ready to have her baby and I can't be there for her... It makes me really mad... I have not seen her for a year and she hasn't even met baby WT yet... I suck as a friend... Stay away from me...
10. Hubby gets a vacation day tomorrow... My first one will be in like a year.. .I hate him. .I mean not really, but I could use a break too.. .
That is it... Have a great Friday... It cannot come quick enough.
PS... I can barely reread this post b.c there are baby fingerprints all over my computer screen.. Does it get any worse...
1. My car died. Will not run. Living 45 miles from work is not fun with only 1 car for the family.
2. We have mice. Corn fields are cut and mice are finding their way into our house. We have caught 4, 2 have run on me, one on my foot and one on my hand.. He was hiding in my fresh laundry (punk mouse) which in turn means I had to wash 2 loads all over again... So I lie awake at night and all I can think of is I am sure there are like 100 mice dancing around downstairs and partying all night.
3. Baby WT is crawling and has two teeth... I mean are you serious?!?!? He is getting so big. Oh, and he pulled up about 10 minutes ago... I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!
4. My boss at work has come down with some sort of "infection" in his elbow that required a week long stay at the hospital.. He will not say what he has or had but we had a MRSA "informational" meeting this week at work... Sweet right??
5. I have done NOTHING at work all week I feel like... My brain is just not working or something. I have been easily distracted to say the least.
6. Carpooling sucks.. I love the Earth but geezzzzzzzzzz...
7. I have 17 loads of laundry to do... ARGH!
8. Thanks Rebecca and Russel P for the playdough for Halloween.. It is everywhere including WT's new teeth... hehe...
9. My best friend from way back when is ready to have her baby and I can't be there for her... It makes me really mad... I have not seen her for a year and she hasn't even met baby WT yet... I suck as a friend... Stay away from me...
10. Hubby gets a vacation day tomorrow... My first one will be in like a year.. .I hate him. .I mean not really, but I could use a break too.. .
That is it... Have a great Friday... It cannot come quick enough.
PS... I can barely reread this post b.c there are baby fingerprints all over my computer screen.. Does it get any worse...
Friday, October 26, 2007
Ohio is fun!
Since we have lived in Ohio I have become acutely aware that this state has a festival for EVERYTHING. Two weeks ago we stumbled upon a soybean festival in our hometown.. I am talking about the town of 700 we live in.. I know I have talked this small town thing into the ground but are you kidding me? A festival that shut down Main St. (yes that is what it is called! - no seriously).. There was a small, very shaky ferris wheel, or as RT likes to call it a "Crazy Wheel" and all kinds of rides I had never ever seen before..
I told my mom one of them slightly resembled the Scrambler, for all of you fair going folks, and the teacups at Disney for all of you rich folks.... But this ride was considerably smaller and looked like soup cans cut in half, it also made this weird swooshing sound like it was going to fly apart when it spun around... It was crazy... HMac rode it a couple of times.. Until he thought he would puke and then we walked on..
Little RT decided upon a much more "safe" ride, if you could call one of those crap rides safe.. So anyway RT got on the ride - which was little metal cars that go in a circular path - and immediately decided he was way too cool for that baby stuff... The entire time he was on it he was giving us dirty looks like "How dare you put me on this childish ride?!?".. The more times it spun around the farther he slipped down into his seat... I mean seriously the looks he was giving was like he would DIE from embarrassment.. Oh have I got my hands full... GEEEEZZZZZ........... He was glad when it stopped and he could tell me how mad he was at me.. He is only 2 1/2 folks and he is like a 10 year old..
So he didn't ride any more rides the rest of the night... BUT HE DID DANCE WHEN THE BAND PLAYED LED ZEPPLIN.. Sweet!!!
So the next few weekends when we are not enjoying the holy BUCKEYES football team (which is a whole different story) we will be going to a festival of some sort... I think this weekend is the Apple Butter Festival, next weekend is the Honey Festival and the weekend after that is my favorite.. THE PUMPKIN FESTIVAL - People, this town has it's watertowers painted to look like pumpkins - year round - seriously... And my husband has employees that take off from work ALL WEEK LONG to enjoy this festival... This is serious business... .. No actually, it is insanity, but we are having fun!!!!!..
I told my mom one of them slightly resembled the Scrambler, for all of you fair going folks, and the teacups at Disney for all of you rich folks.... But this ride was considerably smaller and looked like soup cans cut in half, it also made this weird swooshing sound like it was going to fly apart when it spun around... It was crazy... HMac rode it a couple of times.. Until he thought he would puke and then we walked on..
Little RT decided upon a much more "safe" ride, if you could call one of those crap rides safe.. So anyway RT got on the ride - which was little metal cars that go in a circular path - and immediately decided he was way too cool for that baby stuff... The entire time he was on it he was giving us dirty looks like "How dare you put me on this childish ride?!?".. The more times it spun around the farther he slipped down into his seat... I mean seriously the looks he was giving was like he would DIE from embarrassment.. Oh have I got my hands full... GEEEEZZZZZ........... He was glad when it stopped and he could tell me how mad he was at me.. He is only 2 1/2 folks and he is like a 10 year old..
So he didn't ride any more rides the rest of the night... BUT HE DID DANCE WHEN THE BAND PLAYED LED ZEPPLIN.. Sweet!!!
So the next few weekends when we are not enjoying the holy BUCKEYES football team (which is a whole different story) we will be going to a festival of some sort... I think this weekend is the Apple Butter Festival, next weekend is the Honey Festival and the weekend after that is my favorite.. THE PUMPKIN FESTIVAL - People, this town has it's watertowers painted to look like pumpkins - year round - seriously... And my husband has employees that take off from work ALL WEEK LONG to enjoy this festival... This is serious business... .. No actually, it is insanity, but we are having fun!!!!!..
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
OMG it works.......
... OMG... OMG... OMG... I have died and gone to heaven... I have internet again!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah for me! No thanks to 3 repair guys, countless calls to an unnamed call center located somewhere not in the USofA, I finally got a new modem... It only took 4 weeks... But OMG I have internet!!!!!!!!!
HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise I will post... I love you blog and have missed you so...
Note to all of you "city" dwellers... Be glad you live in the city.. getting people out here to try and fix this darn thing has been a nightmare.. Not to mention that FARMERS have knocked our phone pedistal over with tractors, blah, blah, blah...
I AM BACK BABY.........
HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise I will post... I love you blog and have missed you so...
Note to all of you "city" dwellers... Be glad you live in the city.. getting people out here to try and fix this darn thing has been a nightmare.. Not to mention that FARMERS have knocked our phone pedistal over with tractors, blah, blah, blah...
I AM BACK BABY.........
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Bad Blogger... Good Mommie!
Sorry I have been neglecting my blog lately but with working and driving like 100 miles round trip everyday I just can't seem to find the time... Although my work is boring enough I did think the other day while I was twiddling my thumbs.. Why not write a blog entry? I could type it in my e-mail and then send it to my home e-mail.. Hmmmmmmmmm.. Good idea/Bad idea? I didn't want to get in trouble...Since I work for a smaller company I found it a better idea not to.. I am just afraid they (the IT department of 5 for a company of 100) probably have nothing better to do than sit around and read my incoming and outgoing mail... I am a tad bit paranoid but I would rather be safe than sorry... Or would I!?!?!?!? haha... So when I get home I do not blog, rather I sit with my children and hold them and wallow in guilt at being away from them all day...
Anyway, I really like my work.. But I miss my kids so bad.. Little RT fell twice last week at the baby sitters house.. Once out of a kitchen chair and once down the steps... So my clumsy little one falls like mommie does.... Oh did I mention I fell down while stepping off of the porch holding the baby?!?!? He at least was buckled into his car seat so while I writhed around on the ground nursing my twisted ankle he was just sitting there looking at me like I was an idiot and also giving me that... Why the hell did you just throw me on the ground look... BAD MOMMIE!!!
The sitter and her husband usually follow me out to the car so of course I had an audience for my theatrics.. I told my hubby when I got home what had happened and his first question was not.. "Are you ok?" But more like did they laugh at you because I would have cried I would be laughing so hard... Just like a husband.. just like a man... So that was pretty funny but I guess the sitter just shook her head and thought... Now I don't feel so bad that her son falls too... Like mother like son!!
Another fantastic thing that is going on..... We think that baby WT has thrush.. I am a part time breast feeder now that I am back at work and I am not having any of the symptoms of having the infection on my breasts, but he has a mouth full of it... So as bad as I hate to, I think we are going to go straight bottle fed from this weekend on... I am crushed... I hate to know that this is my last weekend with a baby nursing... I am gonna miss it so much.. Not enough to have any more children mind you, but I will miss it just the same..
Oh well HMac is doing great in school.. A little struggle in math is ongoing but I am not a math genius myself so I can't be too hard on him.. Oh and now that I think of it he has been falling down at school all week too... What a graceful bunch we are!!! I am sure one day we will all be out walking somewhere and the whole lot of us will just fall down.. All together... How funny would that be.. I can tell you one thing Hubby will be laughing and more than likely so will I ..
Anyway, I really like my work.. But I miss my kids so bad.. Little RT fell twice last week at the baby sitters house.. Once out of a kitchen chair and once down the steps... So my clumsy little one falls like mommie does.... Oh did I mention I fell down while stepping off of the porch holding the baby?!?!? He at least was buckled into his car seat so while I writhed around on the ground nursing my twisted ankle he was just sitting there looking at me like I was an idiot and also giving me that... Why the hell did you just throw me on the ground look... BAD MOMMIE!!!
The sitter and her husband usually follow me out to the car so of course I had an audience for my theatrics.. I told my hubby when I got home what had happened and his first question was not.. "Are you ok?" But more like did they laugh at you because I would have cried I would be laughing so hard... Just like a husband.. just like a man... So that was pretty funny but I guess the sitter just shook her head and thought... Now I don't feel so bad that her son falls too... Like mother like son!!
Another fantastic thing that is going on..... We think that baby WT has thrush.. I am a part time breast feeder now that I am back at work and I am not having any of the symptoms of having the infection on my breasts, but he has a mouth full of it... So as bad as I hate to, I think we are going to go straight bottle fed from this weekend on... I am crushed... I hate to know that this is my last weekend with a baby nursing... I am gonna miss it so much.. Not enough to have any more children mind you, but I will miss it just the same..
Oh well HMac is doing great in school.. A little struggle in math is ongoing but I am not a math genius myself so I can't be too hard on him.. Oh and now that I think of it he has been falling down at school all week too... What a graceful bunch we are!!! I am sure one day we will all be out walking somewhere and the whole lot of us will just fall down.. All together... How funny would that be.. I can tell you one thing Hubby will be laughing and more than likely so will I ..
Friday, September 14, 2007
They grow so fast!
It just seems like yesterday I was hanging out with HMac watching him roll around on the floor... Now, he is in middle school and the beginning stages of, well you know regular guy stuff.. Poor kid..
But I am just amazed at the kids.. RT has been having full blown conversations with me since January of this year and now little WT is trying to crawl and pop a few teeth! It seems like just yesterday I was driving myself to the hospital - 2 kids in tow - on my own - hubby 6 hours away to have the third bebe... I mean how time flies.. I just wanted to say how much my kids are a HUGE part of my life and I wish that time would just stand still and they would all stay around the age of two.. That is the best (we have been lucky so far - watch out for little WT - he may be terrible - yet to know)... Anyway here is a video - ENJOY!!
Little WT crawling, or at least trying from AlliT on Vimeo.
Oh yeah did you see his hair... Isn't it the greatest thing going!??!? He is too funny!! Baby fro's rule!!
But I am just amazed at the kids.. RT has been having full blown conversations with me since January of this year and now little WT is trying to crawl and pop a few teeth! It seems like just yesterday I was driving myself to the hospital - 2 kids in tow - on my own - hubby 6 hours away to have the third bebe... I mean how time flies.. I just wanted to say how much my kids are a HUGE part of my life and I wish that time would just stand still and they would all stay around the age of two.. That is the best (we have been lucky so far - watch out for little WT - he may be terrible - yet to know)... Anyway here is a video - ENJOY!!
Little WT crawling, or at least trying from AlliT on Vimeo.
Oh yeah did you see his hair... Isn't it the greatest thing going!??!? He is too funny!! Baby fro's rule!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Am I seeing double?
I was making myself a little breakfast the other day, decided to eat some eggs like a lot of people do in the morning time and what the hey...... I broke an egg with a twin yolk in it... What the heck.. I mean I guess I had never thought that chickens could have "twins" per say but it was cool.. Here is a pic..

Neat huh? I have never seen one before, and most everyone I have talked to about it says they have never seen one either.. So I HAD to call hubby on the golf course and tell him about the egg phenom.. (and I sent him a pic on his cell phone too!) I just think it is the weirdest thing ever.. I almost could not bring myself to eat it.. I was a little freaked out.. I mean eggs are hard for me to eat anyway but a double one.. It just hit home that eggs turn into chickens and kinda grossed me out.. All I could think about was, what if someone tried to eat my eggs.. I mean that is GROSS.. OK so I took it a little too far, but still..
Anyway I guess that just goes to show you how weird my thought process is and how absolutely BORING my life is.. I am fascinated by eggs and their grossness..

Neat huh? I have never seen one before, and most everyone I have talked to about it says they have never seen one either.. So I HAD to call hubby on the golf course and tell him about the egg phenom.. (and I sent him a pic on his cell phone too!) I just think it is the weirdest thing ever.. I almost could not bring myself to eat it.. I was a little freaked out.. I mean eggs are hard for me to eat anyway but a double one.. It just hit home that eggs turn into chickens and kinda grossed me out.. All I could think about was, what if someone tried to eat my eggs.. I mean that is GROSS.. OK so I took it a little too far, but still..
Anyway I guess that just goes to show you how weird my thought process is and how absolutely BORING my life is.. I am fascinated by eggs and their grossness..
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Work........ blah...
So, I have almost completed a whole weeks worth of work... The first one in seven months.. Whew.. I am soooo beat.. Sorry for the no posts, but if it wasn't for the hubby we would not have even eaten this week.. I was too tired to even cook once I was home.. I MEAN TIRED!!
Apparently the place I work molds fiberglass compounds... So I was hot itchy and had to wash immediately once I got home.. They say you get used to it.. I am not yet used to it and hope to not have to venture out into the plant very often. I signed up for an office job right? Glass dust + sweat + one whiney b!tch = bad day..
I do however like all of the people I have met so far.. Which is one positive.. Anyway, off of that subject.. Just know that I am back at work.. not with my kiddos and am feeling a little guilty for leaving them.. And if I can get back into the swing of things, ya know not sleeping for like 14 hours a day I will hopefully post more often about how guilty I feel.
The kids did well this week but now both have runny noses... I knew that would happen as sure as the sun comes up in the east every morning.. They are both sick and that also adds to the fuel of the guilt I am feeling.. WT has a doctors appt tomorrow morning and I can't go.. I guess I just do not feel right taking off a day when I have only worked a total of 4 days... So daddy is taking him.. I am missing the FIRST one of any of my kids doctors appts.. I am totally on my way to winning the worst mom of the year award.. Right up there with moms who have crack babies and the other moms who whore their kids out.. AAARRRGGHHH!!!! I am totally loosing it!
Also, RT tells me every day to go backwards.. To him that means go home.. Just turn around and GO HOME!!! Then he tries to remember the various things he "forgot".. Like milk, his blankie, taking out the garbage, etc... None of it works and then he pulls out, mommie I like you home.. Stab me through the heart.. How does a 2.5 year old know how to load a gun and shoot me through the heart... They are smart I tell ya.. Oh yeah and the icing on the cake........ He calls the baby sitter and her husband Mom and Dad.. I think more than anything it is because he hears her kiddos calling them that but try telling me that when I get there from a long and itchy days work.. Little WT is totally clueless, so that helps a little..
I am sure these feelings of guilt will all fade.. I hope anyway.. If not like I said before I and my lazy a$$ will quit and sit on aforementioned lazy a$$ in like a NY minute if I feel like it..
Apparently the place I work molds fiberglass compounds... So I was hot itchy and had to wash immediately once I got home.. They say you get used to it.. I am not yet used to it and hope to not have to venture out into the plant very often. I signed up for an office job right? Glass dust + sweat + one whiney b!tch = bad day..
I do however like all of the people I have met so far.. Which is one positive.. Anyway, off of that subject.. Just know that I am back at work.. not with my kiddos and am feeling a little guilty for leaving them.. And if I can get back into the swing of things, ya know not sleeping for like 14 hours a day I will hopefully post more often about how guilty I feel.
The kids did well this week but now both have runny noses... I knew that would happen as sure as the sun comes up in the east every morning.. They are both sick and that also adds to the fuel of the guilt I am feeling.. WT has a doctors appt tomorrow morning and I can't go.. I guess I just do not feel right taking off a day when I have only worked a total of 4 days... So daddy is taking him.. I am missing the FIRST one of any of my kids doctors appts.. I am totally on my way to winning the worst mom of the year award.. Right up there with moms who have crack babies and the other moms who whore their kids out.. AAARRRGGHHH!!!! I am totally loosing it!
Also, RT tells me every day to go backwards.. To him that means go home.. Just turn around and GO HOME!!! Then he tries to remember the various things he "forgot".. Like milk, his blankie, taking out the garbage, etc... None of it works and then he pulls out, mommie I like you home.. Stab me through the heart.. How does a 2.5 year old know how to load a gun and shoot me through the heart... They are smart I tell ya.. Oh yeah and the icing on the cake........ He calls the baby sitter and her husband Mom and Dad.. I think more than anything it is because he hears her kiddos calling them that but try telling me that when I get there from a long and itchy days work.. Little WT is totally clueless, so that helps a little..
I am sure these feelings of guilt will all fade.. I hope anyway.. If not like I said before I and my lazy a$$ will quit and sit on aforementioned lazy a$$ in like a NY minute if I feel like it..
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
So yesterday we had a "mock" run thru with the babysitter, since I will start working next week. I went to her house, hung out with her and the kids for an hour or so and then snuck out the door... She kept them for a couple of hours and things went fine.. She is super sweet, I really do like her a lot.. I just hope after next week she will still like my "NEEDY" children..
My husband and I went and took the big car to get new tires, oil change, etc.. And then went to have a childless lunch... Great right??? Well not so much... We had fun I guess as far as having a mid-working-day lunch can go.. He was in a hurry..
The funniest thing happens... The restaurant sat a SAHM across from us... She brought her two children in to have lunch.. Of course they were the same ages as WT and RT. With pretty much the same temperament.. Needless to say our "Babyless" lunch was not so babyless.. I am sympathetic with her.. I wanted to give her little girl who was screaming "French Fries" very loudly some of my fries until she got her own... But I just thought it may look rude... So I acted like she was being an angel.. Poor pitiful me... Can't even enjoy a quiet lunch with my hubby... The first one EVER without children.. IT SUCKS...
Anyway, to top it all of little RT has been saying to me all day... Mommie, so glad you are home... AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH.. Bring on the guilt trip..
My husband and I went and took the big car to get new tires, oil change, etc.. And then went to have a childless lunch... Great right??? Well not so much... We had fun I guess as far as having a mid-working-day lunch can go.. He was in a hurry..
The funniest thing happens... The restaurant sat a SAHM across from us... She brought her two children in to have lunch.. Of course they were the same ages as WT and RT. With pretty much the same temperament.. Needless to say our "Babyless" lunch was not so babyless.. I am sympathetic with her.. I wanted to give her little girl who was screaming "French Fries" very loudly some of my fries until she got her own... But I just thought it may look rude... So I acted like she was being an angel.. Poor pitiful me... Can't even enjoy a quiet lunch with my hubby... The first one EVER without children.. IT SUCKS...
Anyway, to top it all of little RT has been saying to me all day... Mommie, so glad you are home... AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH.. Bring on the guilt trip..
Monday, August 27, 2007
Big News (Unfortunately)
I have some big news!! i am just a little unsure if it is good news or bad news.. Oh well here goes.. I am going back to work!! I am just a little torn over it, I can't make up my mind if I am happy or sad... I am sure I will know within the first couple of weeks though.
I have been staying home with the boys since Feb. of this year.. When little WT was born in March I just knew that working was not going to be in our (my) future.. First of all would the money I make offset daycare for 3 children?? And if I did work, did we want someone else outside of my husband and I to care for our kiddos?? Add on a move from St. Louis to Columbus and you have a real mess... So we decided it better to just suck it up and for me to stay home.. It all just seemed a little overwhelming to begin with...
So, I had not been looking for a job.. I could have cared less either way.. But I do always keep my resume updated on Monster, just for the sake of having it out there and that way it is on Monster and I can't loose it that way (can I??) Well, one afternoon about a month ago I received a phone call from a company looking for someone to do a job that I really like to do... So I sputtered out some rediculous amount of money (for that type of job, mind you), because I was not super duper interested in going back to work, and lo and behold they wanted me to come in for an interview... Well to make a long story short, after about 7 interviews I got the job... It is a 45 minute drive one way from home and the money is decent... So I am now, once again a working mother..
I found someone who I think will be fabulous to watch the two little ones.. I just hope everything works out.... That they will like her and she will like them.. That they just meld.. Ya know... I am just worried... She is a SAHM of 5 of her OWN children.. So I trust she knows how to handle children... More on that later.
Wish me luck!! I am a nervous wreck.. But I guess if it is too much for my lazy butt I can just quit and stay home again...
I have been staying home with the boys since Feb. of this year.. When little WT was born in March I just knew that working was not going to be in our (my) future.. First of all would the money I make offset daycare for 3 children?? And if I did work, did we want someone else outside of my husband and I to care for our kiddos?? Add on a move from St. Louis to Columbus and you have a real mess... So we decided it better to just suck it up and for me to stay home.. It all just seemed a little overwhelming to begin with...
So, I had not been looking for a job.. I could have cared less either way.. But I do always keep my resume updated on Monster, just for the sake of having it out there and that way it is on Monster and I can't loose it that way (can I??) Well, one afternoon about a month ago I received a phone call from a company looking for someone to do a job that I really like to do... So I sputtered out some rediculous amount of money (for that type of job, mind you), because I was not super duper interested in going back to work, and lo and behold they wanted me to come in for an interview... Well to make a long story short, after about 7 interviews I got the job... It is a 45 minute drive one way from home and the money is decent... So I am now, once again a working mother..
I found someone who I think will be fabulous to watch the two little ones.. I just hope everything works out.... That they will like her and she will like them.. That they just meld.. Ya know... I am just worried... She is a SAHM of 5 of her OWN children.. So I trust she knows how to handle children... More on that later.
Wish me luck!! I am a nervous wreck.. But I guess if it is too much for my lazy butt I can just quit and stay home again...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
I still love you...
dear blog.. I am sooo sorry for all of my millions of readers out there to have left you hanging for so long.. I still love you and have NOT, regardless of the rumors, broken up with you.. So will you still love me too.. YES or NO or MAYBE... circle one and pass it back to me..
Anyway, my mom just left town to return to her boring life without grandchildren of the male kind, to Tennessee.. We had fun, so much fun, hence the NO POSTS.. We were so busy we didn't even get to finish all of the things we had planned out, most importantly a good shopping trip to Wal-Mart and Target.. Can you believe it.. I let that pass up.. I chose instead to visit Goodwill and various yardsales..
Now this is huge for me.. I used to HATE MY MOM (sorry mom)for taking me on Saturday morning yard sale ventures.. I am still no early bird.. What with a breastfeeding baby and 2.5 year old.. I am kinda tired.. Only because I have trained these two to sleep until 9AM.. I am spoiled.. Throw eggs at me now.. I know, I know.. My children are gifts from heaven.. (Hoping no jinx are in my near future).. So anyway..We (shall I say my mom) found some great things at the yard sales in Indiana..Oh yeah we went to my aunt's house in Indiana for the last part of her trip - more on that later.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE botanical prints.. Any kind, flower, plants, etc.. So I had told my mom IF you find any kind of picture, framed or not, of botanical prints pick them up for me.. I am still looking for things to hang on my walls.. I am in love with botanicals.. So she shows up with these.. Aren't they beautiful.. and OLD too.. I love them... I wish I had more but these two are a great start to a collection I hope will grow exponetially..They were marked $5 each and she got them both for $5.. Sweet huh????

My husband hates them but I love them so they are going on my walls... Tough doodie...
On to our trip to Indiana.. My mom is originally from a small suburb north of Indianapolis... Her dad moved her to hillbilly country TN when she was in 6th grade.. She hates it, but refuses to leave.. Explain that one to me.. She was the youngest of 10.. Her closest sister in age is 20 years older than her.. Mailman?? I think so? So all of her sisters stayed behind when grandpa moved back to TN, and they are still in Indiana to this day.. 3 sisters all significantly older than my mom.. All packrats and all rediculously funny..
So I scored some major loot from her too... Shown here.

For instance the sister we bunked with has oh maybe 20 chickens in her backyard, 5 of which are crowing roosters..She lives on a major road IN TOWN and her backyard backs up to a NEW subivision (less than 3 years old, planned neighborhood) So I am gonna venture out and say they are not too happy she has chickens in her yard..Here is a link to the video of "THE RUNNING OF THE CHICKENS" starring the one the only little RT..
Anyway we had a good time and I miss her already... Although, I am glad to have my old boring schedule back...
Anyway, my mom just left town to return to her boring life without grandchildren of the male kind, to Tennessee.. We had fun, so much fun, hence the NO POSTS.. We were so busy we didn't even get to finish all of the things we had planned out, most importantly a good shopping trip to Wal-Mart and Target.. Can you believe it.. I let that pass up.. I chose instead to visit Goodwill and various yardsales..
Now this is huge for me.. I used to HATE MY MOM (sorry mom)for taking me on Saturday morning yard sale ventures.. I am still no early bird.. What with a breastfeeding baby and 2.5 year old.. I am kinda tired.. Only because I have trained these two to sleep until 9AM.. I am spoiled.. Throw eggs at me now.. I know, I know.. My children are gifts from heaven.. (Hoping no jinx are in my near future).. So anyway..We (shall I say my mom) found some great things at the yard sales in Indiana..Oh yeah we went to my aunt's house in Indiana for the last part of her trip - more on that later.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE botanical prints.. Any kind, flower, plants, etc.. So I had told my mom IF you find any kind of picture, framed or not, of botanical prints pick them up for me.. I am still looking for things to hang on my walls.. I am in love with botanicals.. So she shows up with these.. Aren't they beautiful.. and OLD too.. I love them... I wish I had more but these two are a great start to a collection I hope will grow exponetially..They were marked $5 each and she got them both for $5.. Sweet huh????

My husband hates them but I love them so they are going on my walls... Tough doodie...
On to our trip to Indiana.. My mom is originally from a small suburb north of Indianapolis... Her dad moved her to hillbilly country TN when she was in 6th grade.. She hates it, but refuses to leave.. Explain that one to me.. She was the youngest of 10.. Her closest sister in age is 20 years older than her.. Mailman?? I think so? So all of her sisters stayed behind when grandpa moved back to TN, and they are still in Indiana to this day.. 3 sisters all significantly older than my mom.. All packrats and all rediculously funny..
So I scored some major loot from her too... Shown here.

For instance the sister we bunked with has oh maybe 20 chickens in her backyard, 5 of which are crowing roosters..She lives on a major road IN TOWN and her backyard backs up to a NEW subivision (less than 3 years old, planned neighborhood) So I am gonna venture out and say they are not too happy she has chickens in her yard..Here is a link to the video of "THE RUNNING OF THE CHICKENS" starring the one the only little RT..
Anyway we had a good time and I miss her already... Although, I am glad to have my old boring schedule back...
Friday, August 10, 2007
This is great!
Below is an e-mail my husband wrote in reponse to a co-worker on how his day was going.. I had some business to take care of today, so this was the first time daddy was at home, alone, with the children - he was here alone with them for around 4 - 5 hours...I was terrified but now just impressed...
AlliT left at 08:00 and at that instant a fear washed over my entire being and I began to tremble. Then something miraculous happened. ....WT began to smile. As my nausea began to dissipate, I began to baby talk with him. We had a rather invigorating conversation. After that ended he decided to take a nap at 9:15.
This is my chance; I washed the dishes and straightened up the front room. I don't think I need to remind you that I did this in absolute silence, much like the Ninja's of Japan. After an hour and a half nap, the finicky monster arose from his slumber and demanded attention. After a quick diaper change, all was well, and at this point no crying for almost 180 minutes. Maybe there are higher powers at work.
After some bouncing and swinging Mr. WT decided it was time to test the waters. At 5 minutes to 12, the low rumble of discontent started. With a mighty crescendo, it climaxed at a ear piercing, blood curdling scream along with very impressive water works. Dad quick to handle any task, scooped the young T baby up, and began to tell lies and compromises' trying to stop this mental anguish.
To everything holy and mighty, only after 20 minutes of crying, the young Prince falls into a deep slumber and lays his precious little head on the couch and falls into a content sleep.
As a small tear falls from my cheek, I realize I have escaped another episode of "How long will your baby cry."
I love how daddies have no clue how much hard work being a SAHM is!! :-) I feel justified.
AlliT left at 08:00 and at that instant a fear washed over my entire being and I began to tremble. Then something miraculous happened. ....WT began to smile. As my nausea began to dissipate, I began to baby talk with him. We had a rather invigorating conversation. After that ended he decided to take a nap at 9:15.
This is my chance; I washed the dishes and straightened up the front room. I don't think I need to remind you that I did this in absolute silence, much like the Ninja's of Japan. After an hour and a half nap, the finicky monster arose from his slumber and demanded attention. After a quick diaper change, all was well, and at this point no crying for almost 180 minutes. Maybe there are higher powers at work.
After some bouncing and swinging Mr. WT decided it was time to test the waters. At 5 minutes to 12, the low rumble of discontent started. With a mighty crescendo, it climaxed at a ear piercing, blood curdling scream along with very impressive water works. Dad quick to handle any task, scooped the young T baby up, and began to tell lies and compromises' trying to stop this mental anguish.
To everything holy and mighty, only after 20 minutes of crying, the young Prince falls into a deep slumber and lays his precious little head on the couch and falls into a content sleep.
As a small tear falls from my cheek, I realize I have escaped another episode of "How long will your baby cry."
I love how daddies have no clue how much hard work being a SAHM is!! :-) I feel justified.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
HMac is missing...
... from my house.. I just realized last night that he has been gone for 2 months.. I MISS HIM!!! I told daddy last night that I could not wait for him to come home.. He enjoys getting to be the "only" child at my parents house. He goes there for his entire summer break, therefore leaving me sad and unhappy. I feel like he doesn't even like me anymore.. Every time I ask him if he is ready to come home he says no. I can't blame him.. He was the only child for 8 years and suddenly he has not one, but two baby brothers.. Needless to say he doesn't get my undivided attention anymore.. He doesn't mind (I think), he loves his brothers, but he also doesn't mind being with grandparents who spoil him with video games and fast food for two months either..
Mawmaw is bringing him home on Saturday.. and I can't wait.. It just hit me like a bag of hot lava last night how much I miss him and I almost couldn't contain myself.. The upside, I get to see him in a couple of days.. The downside, I know my mom is going to be beside herself to see him go.. I feel bad, super bad, but he is mine after all, right, I gave birth to him, right??.. Although I am sure she would like to protest that and keep all of my children as her own..
Unleash the wrath that is my mom.. Not a bad wrath, but bring on the fun!!! I can't wait for her to be here, she is my BEST FRIEND, and boy do we have fun!! Who knows what we will get into but I will for sure let you all know the craziness that is the "SANDERS GIRLS" as it happens... I bet you can't wait can you.. I am sure it will be full of laughing until one of us poops, I mean pees herself.. haha...
Oh well, HMac I am ready for you to get home so I can yell at you, I mean HUG you and kiss you.. I miss my baby!!!!!!!!!
Mawmaw is bringing him home on Saturday.. and I can't wait.. It just hit me like a bag of hot lava last night how much I miss him and I almost couldn't contain myself.. The upside, I get to see him in a couple of days.. The downside, I know my mom is going to be beside herself to see him go.. I feel bad, super bad, but he is mine after all, right, I gave birth to him, right??.. Although I am sure she would like to protest that and keep all of my children as her own..
Unleash the wrath that is my mom.. Not a bad wrath, but bring on the fun!!! I can't wait for her to be here, she is my BEST FRIEND, and boy do we have fun!! Who knows what we will get into but I will for sure let you all know the craziness that is the "SANDERS GIRLS" as it happens... I bet you can't wait can you.. I am sure it will be full of laughing until one of us poops, I mean pees herself.. haha...
Oh well, HMac I am ready for you to get home so I can yell at you, I mean HUG you and kiss you.. I miss my baby!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 6, 2007
Sweet video of my baby...
This is a video post more for my mom than anyone.. Just so she can hear her granbaby!! He is too sweet.. and a talker... WOW!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Things I love that I am ashamed to tell...
First of all I was inspired to write this blog post after indulging myself in a not so grown up movie... While watching it I realized that I am no longer a child and watching such nonsense is now just a guilty pleasure..
Move in question... The Princess Diaries... I know.. Kid movie, 'bout becoming princess, blah, blah, blah.. but I just so happen to love this movie. Maybe it is because all little girls while going through that award stage of life, known as teenangstwishiwoulddieandneverbeseenagain, *wish* that some unknown relative, of royal descent no less, would come and scoop you up and fulfill all of your childish dreams.. Sometimes I still wish that would happen.. No more bills, wishing of exotic vacations, poopie diapers to change, meals to cook, rooms to clean......... AAAAAAAAAhhhh the life... Right?!?.. So here are some silly childish self indulgences... (Well at least the ones I am willing to fess up to!)
- Silly girl movies (aka.. The Princess Diaries(one and two), Pretty Woman, just a couple, you can fill in the blanks with your own lovies)
- Freezer Pops (Cheap and delicious - I have had 4 already today - Fav color: Pink of course)
- Not showering (Although I like showers, being a stay at home mom is just not conducive to showering - Sometimes I forget, ok... and I justify it by saying I didn't go anywhere the past 3 days, so I am not dirty right??)
- Eating grapes before they are purchased (refer to my archives please)
- Blowing bubbles
- Eating cotton candy
- Drinking lots and lots of soda
- Acting stupid in public ( I am still kinda shy about this but at least I have children - and a husband - I can point my finger at thus clearing myself of aforementioned silly acts)
- Getting dessert after every meal eaten out / or at least ice cream (It is also convenient to be preggers)
Oh well I am fresh out of other things but I am sure I will think of some more.. Or be reminded by my husband about all of the other stupid things I like to do, so maybe my list will grow....
Move in question... The Princess Diaries... I know.. Kid movie, 'bout becoming princess, blah, blah, blah.. but I just so happen to love this movie. Maybe it is because all little girls while going through that award stage of life, known as teenangstwishiwoulddieandneverbeseenagain, *wish* that some unknown relative, of royal descent no less, would come and scoop you up and fulfill all of your childish dreams.. Sometimes I still wish that would happen.. No more bills, wishing of exotic vacations, poopie diapers to change, meals to cook, rooms to clean......... AAAAAAAAAhhhh the life... Right?!?.. So here are some silly childish self indulgences... (Well at least the ones I am willing to fess up to!)
- Silly girl movies (aka.. The Princess Diaries(one and two), Pretty Woman, just a couple, you can fill in the blanks with your own lovies)
- Freezer Pops (Cheap and delicious - I have had 4 already today - Fav color: Pink of course)
- Not showering (Although I like showers, being a stay at home mom is just not conducive to showering - Sometimes I forget, ok... and I justify it by saying I didn't go anywhere the past 3 days, so I am not dirty right??)
- Eating grapes before they are purchased (refer to my archives please)
- Blowing bubbles
- Eating cotton candy
- Drinking lots and lots of soda
- Acting stupid in public ( I am still kinda shy about this but at least I have children - and a husband - I can point my finger at thus clearing myself of aforementioned silly acts)
- Getting dessert after every meal eaten out / or at least ice cream (It is also convenient to be preggers)
Oh well I am fresh out of other things but I am sure I will think of some more.. Or be reminded by my husband about all of the other stupid things I like to do, so maybe my list will grow....
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Good nights sleep...
Last night was the OFFICIAL 1st sleeping thru the ENTIRE night at the T's household. Little baby WT who is now 4.5 months old slept from 9:30PM until 8:30AM.. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited... He has always been a super good sleeper only waking for a 4:30 feeding and then getting up around 9 or so, and for an infant to me that is just as good as sleeping all night? Right other moms????
So anyway, I slept like crap, because of course around 4:30 I automatically get up to check on him to make sure he is still breathing. Of course that is the first thing that goes through my mind, "Is he still alive?" He was fine. The only problem, MOMMY ANXIETY!!! You guessed it.. I could not even enjoy his sleeping thru the night for fear that he was laying in there, well ya know, no longer with us... So I was up more than usual last night, just checking on him..holding the mirror under his nose, making quiet noises to see if he would stir.. but not too loud because I DID NOT WANT TO WAKE HIM, just see if he would move...
Maybe he will sleep all night again tonight.. And maybe, just maybe mommy will sleep all night too!!!!!!!!!!!!
How heavenly?!?!?!?!?
So anyway, I slept like crap, because of course around 4:30 I automatically get up to check on him to make sure he is still breathing. Of course that is the first thing that goes through my mind, "Is he still alive?" He was fine. The only problem, MOMMY ANXIETY!!! You guessed it.. I could not even enjoy his sleeping thru the night for fear that he was laying in there, well ya know, no longer with us... So I was up more than usual last night, just checking on him..holding the mirror under his nose, making quiet noises to see if he would stir.. but not too loud because I DID NOT WANT TO WAKE HIM, just see if he would move...
Maybe he will sleep all night again tonight.. And maybe, just maybe mommy will sleep all night too!!!!!!!!!!!!
How heavenly?!?!?!?!?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Yum... Yum... Try this receipe... SERIOUSLY...
I bought a certain weight management mag just waiting in line the other day and you have to try this receipe... IT IS FANTASTIC...
*~*Caramel-Pecan Bars*~*
Preheat oven to 350. Beat with an electric mixer - the butter, brown sugar, and vanilla until well mixed. Press the mixture into an 8" baking pan.... Bake until the crust is light bown on the edges.. .About 15 minutes.
Combine caramels and milk in a microwave safe bowl. Micro on high 2 minutes until the mix is hot and stir once halfway through the time... Stir after out of the micro until smooth.
Pour the topping on the hot crust and spread evenly, leave a 1/4" border. Sprinkle with the pecans. Return to stove and bake just until topping is bubbling in the middle ~12 minutes. Cool on a rack.. Cut and serve...
**Drizzle w/melted white/dark chocolate chips...
*~*Caramel-Pecan Bars*~*
- 3 tablespoons light stick butter
- 1/3 cup packed dark brown sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
- 24 individual soft caramels
- 1 tablespoon fat-free milk
- 1/4 cup chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350. Beat with an electric mixer - the butter, brown sugar, and vanilla until well mixed. Press the mixture into an 8" baking pan.... Bake until the crust is light bown on the edges.. .About 15 minutes.
Combine caramels and milk in a microwave safe bowl. Micro on high 2 minutes until the mix is hot and stir once halfway through the time... Stir after out of the micro until smooth.
Pour the topping on the hot crust and spread evenly, leave a 1/4" border. Sprinkle with the pecans. Return to stove and bake just until topping is bubbling in the middle ~12 minutes. Cool on a rack.. Cut and serve...
**Drizzle w/melted white/dark chocolate chips...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Beach.. Well not really....
... but who's counting? We found a "beach" that is only about a 30 minute drive from our house... It is super nice... Other than the bird poop on the ground it is relatively clean.... We wanted to take the kids to a real beach with the ocean and all of the other fun stuff, but seeing as we are seriously landlocked, and have a child whom as most of you know, HATES the car, I am NOT up for the drive and we cannot afford to fly 5 people to a state with beaches... If we could afford it the hubby and I would take that honeymoon trip we always wanted... Right? So anyway the "beach" in OH-IO will have to do for now..
We had a great time.. There were only a handful of people there to enjoy the day, which by the way was beautiful and on the (very) cool side, around 70 and sunny.. It has been a beautiful summer here.. And this is going to be my first winter in a northern state.. I am scared to death I might add.... But that is neither here nor there right now. So RT had no clue that we were not at a real beach and he didn't give a rat's behind.. He had the time of his life.. He swam and built sand (small crushed up rock) castles... And scram and ran and laughed.. He had more fun than I have ever seen him have before.. And believe me I AM FUN (as far as moms go)!!!
We went to Target yesterday and he insisited we buy a bucket and shovel for the "beach".. So looks like we are slated for a few more trips before summer is up.. Which is fine with me... It is free (major plus) and close (another major plus) so I guess you will be seeing us at the "beach" quite a bit.
Well RT has dug the funnies out of the Sunday paper so we are off to read those.. Happy beginning of the week to everyone.. Mine are like rotating bits of days... No real beginning or ending to anything... NICE>>>>>
Me Blog ....
I am still totally new to this whole blog thing... I think I am spending more time reading blogs than I am actually blogging... So should I blog? I am still not too sure... Of all people I have the most boring existance in the whole world. I may get out of the house like once a week so all I have to talk about are my silly kids... One of which (the funniest one) is MIA for another 3 weeks...
I guess I just do it so my family has something to read to keep up with the kids and what we are doing, and to give me something to do while the kids are sleeping... Just so I don't go crazy, I guess, I am there already though, I think.... Could someone please let me know? If I am crazy...Oh well... Here are the top five reasons I don't think I should blog...
1. I am boring.
2. I am not funny.
3. I am not witty.
4. I am not sacastic.
5. Who cares?
On the other hand... If no one cares then why should I care? Right? I guess, so I guess I will keep on truckin' BTW.. I love that song... I miss Jerry G. hehe... The funny thing is that of all the top 5 reasons that I shouldn't blog, my husband and our various friends are all of those things... I guess I just like to think I can hang with the posse... Every once in a while something witty and funny will cross my lips, and sometimes just sometimes I can make my husband laugh at me... What an achievement... NO really it is hard to get even a small chuckle out of him... So anyway... I like to blog so I am going to keep on keeping on, I don't care what anyone says...
Love, ME
PS... I am the nosiest person in the ENTIRE world.. I think it was bred into me.. Ya know how small towns are, that is the once place to go if you want everyone to know your business.. Seriously, I am soooo nosey and I think that is why I like blogging... It is a way to see what people are up to (aka.. being nosey) without them really even knowing you are reading it ALL OF THE TIME.... I love it... So that is the real reason I blog, I feel like if I am secretly indulging my nosiness then I should tell my story too... hehehehehehehehe
I guess I just do it so my family has something to read to keep up with the kids and what we are doing, and to give me something to do while the kids are sleeping... Just so I don't go crazy, I guess, I am there already though, I think.... Could someone please let me know? If I am crazy...Oh well... Here are the top five reasons I don't think I should blog...
1. I am boring.
2. I am not funny.
3. I am not witty.
4. I am not sacastic.
5. Who cares?
On the other hand... If no one cares then why should I care? Right? I guess, so I guess I will keep on truckin' BTW.. I love that song... I miss Jerry G. hehe... The funny thing is that of all the top 5 reasons that I shouldn't blog, my husband and our various friends are all of those things... I guess I just like to think I can hang with the posse... Every once in a while something witty and funny will cross my lips, and sometimes just sometimes I can make my husband laugh at me... What an achievement... NO really it is hard to get even a small chuckle out of him... So anyway... I like to blog so I am going to keep on keeping on, I don't care what anyone says...
Love, ME
PS... I am the nosiest person in the ENTIRE world.. I think it was bred into me.. Ya know how small towns are, that is the once place to go if you want everyone to know your business.. Seriously, I am soooo nosey and I think that is why I like blogging... It is a way to see what people are up to (aka.. being nosey) without them really even knowing you are reading it ALL OF THE TIME.... I love it... So that is the real reason I blog, I feel like if I am secretly indulging my nosiness then I should tell my story too... hehehehehehehehe
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Something smells......
I don't know about you but to me the smell of my babies is the sweetest smell I can ever think of.. I don't care if it is the raunchiest poopie diaper, spit-up or the fresh smell they have just after a bath, I just love to take all of it in..
Speaking from the perspective of a mom with a preteen as well as two babies I know what I am going to say is weird, but here goes anyway.. My oldest son HMac is now a preteen.... I don't remember how he smelled as a baby and it pains me to my soul... He is going to be in middle school this year and now he smells like B.O. and just manly smells... Ya know what I mean.... He is clean but he just smells of puberty... I love him so much and don't want him to grow up...
I think having two babies has made me realize just how much I want to remember what they smell like as little ones because I can reflect on their big brother and it makes me sad to know that I can't remember how he smelled or the sweet things he said to me when he was little...So I am OFFICIALLY sad..
I remember my mom just sitting and smelling him.. and I thought she was crazy... But now I am thinking maybe she wasn't so crazy after all.. She knew, and still does know even now that I am 29, that she more than likely wishes she could remember what I smelled like when I was a baby...
So to anyone who can come up with some invention that can capture the SMELL of your baby for future use would be a gazillionare.. At least I think I would pay to have something I can remember that sweetest smell in the whole world... The smell of your babies..
PS... Sorry HMac I hope I didn't embarass you too bad.. Know that I love you and hope that someday you will read this and realize how much I miss you being my baby.
Speaking from the perspective of a mom with a preteen as well as two babies I know what I am going to say is weird, but here goes anyway.. My oldest son HMac is now a preteen.... I don't remember how he smelled as a baby and it pains me to my soul... He is going to be in middle school this year and now he smells like B.O. and just manly smells... Ya know what I mean.... He is clean but he just smells of puberty... I love him so much and don't want him to grow up...
I think having two babies has made me realize just how much I want to remember what they smell like as little ones because I can reflect on their big brother and it makes me sad to know that I can't remember how he smelled or the sweet things he said to me when he was little...So I am OFFICIALLY sad..
I remember my mom just sitting and smelling him.. and I thought she was crazy... But now I am thinking maybe she wasn't so crazy after all.. She knew, and still does know even now that I am 29, that she more than likely wishes she could remember what I smelled like when I was a baby...
So to anyone who can come up with some invention that can capture the SMELL of your baby for future use would be a gazillionare.. At least I think I would pay to have something I can remember that sweetest smell in the whole world... The smell of your babies..
PS... Sorry HMac I hope I didn't embarass you too bad.. Know that I love you and hope that someday you will read this and realize how much I miss you being my baby.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Grandma T's weekend

Well we have just said goodbye to Grandma T and Great grandma White... They came from Decatur, IL to spend some time with us in the country this weekend. We had a good time.. While we didn't do much we still had a good time visiting. I guess this is the first time in a while that Great Grandma White has gotten to go anywhere on a trip, she just recently put Great Granpa in the nursing home. We had a lot of fun catching up and just spending time together.. I think RT had a blast.. Wouldn't you if all you had to do was sit around and stare at my ugly mug all day? Just kidding, he likes to have things to do other than play with me and WT.. Plus HMac is still gone so we love having company.
RT also had Grandma give him a haircut last night.. She is a hair dresser by profession so we get lots of beautifying when she is around.. He has not had a haircut in a good 4-5 months and looked like a hippie.. haha.. One would have thought she was cutting his ears off... He was raising all sorts of heck while getting his hair cut.. His dad was holding RT on his lap while grandma cut his hair. I guess I just thought that while getting your hair cut is a scary venture while you are still little, that maybe having someone you love and trust do it for you would make it a little less traumatic.. NOPE!! He was still scared out of his mind and grandma said when it was all over that she hoped he still loved her after that... That is how bad it was...
All in all we had a good weekend and were sad to see them go.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Daddy HMac???
HMac tried his hand at being a dad this week.... No, not to a human but to a little bird that had fallen out of it's nest. He called earlier this week from my parents house. (For those of you who don't know it is a long standing tradition that he abandons me and stays with his grandparents in TN for the ENTIRE summer.) So anyway he and his grandmother had found a little bird that fell out of its nest and decided to pick it up place it in a hanging flower pot and commence fathering.. Things went well at first, he dug worms up and fed the bird worms.. It really ate them.. He used tweezers to pick the worms up off the ground and feed the bird... He even took pictures of the bird and a movie all sent to me on my cell phone.
He called me to tell me all about it and I asked him how many worms he had fed the bird and he said like "13".. Poor little bird.. I guess he has seen me feed his little brothers.. And my feeding agenda goes as follows... If they are not wet or tired and they are crying or have their mouths open for any reason it means they are hungry so they get fed... Maybe that is why all of my children are HUGE!! So you can't really blame him for feeding the bird every time it opened it's beak, it is all he knows.
Anyway he called me on Wednesday night to tell me the little bird had passed to the other side.. I tried to be sympathetic and tell him it was ok and that was just how things were meant to be... He didn't really care though, he just wanted to tell me that nature was mean and stupid and that was the end of it, he had TV to get back to...
I am proud of him for taking responsibility though, he was a good little birdie daddy while it lasted....
He called me to tell me all about it and I asked him how many worms he had fed the bird and he said like "13".. Poor little bird.. I guess he has seen me feed his little brothers.. And my feeding agenda goes as follows... If they are not wet or tired and they are crying or have their mouths open for any reason it means they are hungry so they get fed... Maybe that is why all of my children are HUGE!! So you can't really blame him for feeding the bird every time it opened it's beak, it is all he knows.
Anyway he called me on Wednesday night to tell me the little bird had passed to the other side.. I tried to be sympathetic and tell him it was ok and that was just how things were meant to be... He didn't really care though, he just wanted to tell me that nature was mean and stupid and that was the end of it, he had TV to get back to...
I am proud of him for taking responsibility though, he was a good little birdie daddy while it lasted....
Monday, July 9, 2007
What is up with me?
I am pathetic.. I have become quite the hermit as of late... It is so sad.. I have 2 out of 3 children who actually like to run all over the country and 1 who hates it and it seems as if I let the 1 dictate the entire world for me.. So we were getting ready for WT's doctors appt this morning and all RT could say was, "Grocery store?" Yes you heard me right grocery store... See for us the big getting out of the house time during the week is going to the grocery store so RT thinks that EVERY time we are getting dressed in clothes besides pj's we are going to the grocery store... And you would think it was Christmas eve by how excited he gets.. It is insane, has my life come to this... I would have never guessed that the best thing that could happen to me and my children would be our once weekly grocery store trip...
Maybe it is because I let RT eat the grapes while he is sitting in the buggy and he feels like he is doing something wrong... Which I guess it is wrong b.c we actually never ever pay for them... I guess we should start weighing him when we walk in and then have them weigh him like produce so they get their money for all of the grapes we essentially "stole." But I go with what my mom has always said... "We spend so much money here they can't get mad if we eat a few grapes!!!" haah... but I guess when you eat an entire bag each time you go, for us once a week, it turns into to some major stealing at the end of the year... Oh well, what are we gonna do... I have started something and I don't really feel guilty for it.. Is that bad? I guess I have to say thanks mom for that one...
So we went to the doctor and not to the grocery store so here is how WT is doing...
WT's 4 month check up and shots at the doctor... He is now 15 1/4 lbs (60% for weight), around 23 inches (10% for length) and he has a big ole head... He is doing fine... He had 3 shots and one oral vaccination... Poor thing, but he took it like a trooper... RT was a sweet little boy and a big help at the doctor like usual...
As we were leaving one of the doctors stopped to say how sweet the kids were, their hair is their shining glory and show stopper, she asked RT a question and we answered with a "Yes ma'am!" People up north act as if you just shoved a $100 bill in their hand if you show some respect...Her response was a wide eyed, "Where are you from?" to which I answered TN originally, and she said, " I knew it had to be from the south.." So I am gonna say the south still rocks when it comes to being cordial...
Maybe it is because I let RT eat the grapes while he is sitting in the buggy and he feels like he is doing something wrong... Which I guess it is wrong b.c we actually never ever pay for them... I guess we should start weighing him when we walk in and then have them weigh him like produce so they get their money for all of the grapes we essentially "stole." But I go with what my mom has always said... "We spend so much money here they can't get mad if we eat a few grapes!!!" haah... but I guess when you eat an entire bag each time you go, for us once a week, it turns into to some major stealing at the end of the year... Oh well, what are we gonna do... I have started something and I don't really feel guilty for it.. Is that bad? I guess I have to say thanks mom for that one...
So we went to the doctor and not to the grocery store so here is how WT is doing...
WT's 4 month check up and shots at the doctor... He is now 15 1/4 lbs (60% for weight), around 23 inches (10% for length) and he has a big ole head... He is doing fine... He had 3 shots and one oral vaccination... Poor thing, but he took it like a trooper... RT was a sweet little boy and a big help at the doctor like usual...
As we were leaving one of the doctors stopped to say how sweet the kids were, their hair is their shining glory and show stopper, she asked RT a question and we answered with a "Yes ma'am!" People up north act as if you just shoved a $100 bill in their hand if you show some respect...Her response was a wide eyed, "Where are you from?" to which I answered TN originally, and she said, " I knew it had to be from the south.." So I am gonna say the south still rocks when it comes to being cordial...
Friday, July 6, 2007
Ice cream anyone?

The old man decided last night he had just about enough of me saying how badly I wanted an ice cream sundae that he just loaded us all up in the car and set off on a mission..
You see, since returning from my parents house 2 weeks ago I have wanted an ice cream sundae.. Caramel of course from McD's... I could not stop on the way home because the baby was crying and loosing his mind... We have a 4 month old that HATES the car.. And that is totally an understatement... I mean I think if he had his way he would do away with ALL cars and be a hermit... It is horrible... We cannot go anywhere at all without him SCREAMING in his carseat.. So you can just imagine what a 500 mile trip did to him... I have scarred him for life...
So anyway back to the ice cream.. I didn't stop 2 weeks ago because he had been crying for at least half and hour and even if I had stopped they could not have heard me on the speaker and then if they could have they would have more than likely call DCS on me for child abuse.. I JUST WANTED TO GET HOME AND GET HIM OUT OF THE CAR!!
Daddy took us last night to the closest McD's which is at least a good 30 minute drive.... And they did not have caramel.. I mean what the heck... All McD's have caramel right??? NOPE!!!!! Only fudge... I was soooo disappointed.. Little RT got an ice cream cone that was half as huge as his head... Which is large and in charge.. So after dad and I both had brain freeze trying to hurry up and make it a manageable size for him I ended up reluctantly "dumping" a large amount of ice cream on the ground so he could more easily get to the cone, which is his fav.. And he LOVED it... Me, well I got an ice cream fix but not the kind I wanted.. So I am in search of the McD's with caramel...
And by the way... The baby didn't cry in the car which was more satisfying than the ice cream...
Thursday, July 5, 2007
The day after...

So for anyone with small children you all know the beauty of watching fireworks from afar... First of all you do not have to get in the car with screaming children and fight the crowds to get to the place where the fireworks will be detonated, and once there crane your neck until it breaks to see the actual fireworks... Also, having to cover the little mouths as they scream in TERROR at the actual boom of the firework... So, we like to watch them from various vantage points at out house..
We live in the absolute middle of nowhere, USA... in the middle of a huge corn field south of Columbus, OH... Anyway, with that said we can see pretty much ALL of the fireworks from the small surrounding towns from the front porch, the stairwell window and other bedroom windows... My two year old LOVES fireworks (from afar)...
We bought him a few boxes of sparklers and pop-its and you would have thought we handed him a few boxes of rattle snakes... He was terrified... Well good ole dad decides to light up a sparkler and MAKE him hold it until the crying subsides... At first I thought what a crappy way to introduce a toddler to his first set of fireworks... Then what do you know...... IT WORKED.... He now loves sparklers (with 2 parent supervision I might add)... By the end of the night he was outside on the front porch in a diaper (we haven't mastered the potty just yet) in 65 degree weather screaming with chattering teeth "Happy 4th of July"!!!
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